Tuesday, December 23, 2008

www.JewishNetwork.com was dropped from Google. How inconsiderate.

Google gives no specific reason, only stating that there was a violation of Google's policies. Contacting Google has proven useless.

I believe the cause is duplicate content. Event listings can be displayed on more than one website. For example, Israeli dance sessions are displayed on both www.JewishNetwork.com and on www.IsraeliDance.info, since the event is of interest to both communities.

This makes the event listings easily found by human beings and is a perfectly legitimate use of duplicate listings.

Google has their policies to avoid people spamming Google's index, but they failed to take inconsideration valid uses of multiple listings like ours, if that is the reason we were dropped.

Unfortunately Google has a near monopoly on searching, for now.

Fortunately most of our visitors are repeat visitors. Many of our new visitors are from word-of-mouth.

Have gotten the domain name www.DroppedFromGoogle.com to fight back, but have not posted anything there yet.

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